
November 2010

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cuban Missile Crisis

(in-class on Tuesday)
Plato uses the allegory of the cave to discuss the situations in life where people live in an illusion or refuse to accept the truth. Discuss such a situation from human history and explain what the illusion was; you can use internet resources but do not simply copy/paste them. Also, do include the full website where you found your information.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Throughout the “Cold War”  there was in fact no actual physical war, it remained verbal as the United States, Cuba and the U.S.S.R  (Soviet Union) constantly threatened each other.  The one and only time it became close to violent was during the Cuban Misille Crisis in 1962.  To this day we aren’t positive why they were created or even if they were going to attack the U.S.             The government only confirmed that the were building missiles and what type of missiles they were.  I believe the whole “crisi” was an illusion that the government told the people of the United States and elsewhere around the world, to scare us and persuade us to take action against Cuban and the Sovet Union.  I beleve it was a staged event to put us all in panicked state while we gave our government power to do as they wish.  I believe it is a very similar situation to the “weapons of mass destruction” in the Middle East.

The world was told that we almost entered a,”nuclear war”  during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  But during a crisis like so

and excuse for the bay of pigs

no alert was ever issued

We wanted them to take their missiles out no matter what


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Shannon! My name is Maria. I was told by Mr. Luke V. that you are supposed to give me a comment regarding my blog 4: Allegory of the Cave. Just wondering if you can post a comment on my blog so i could start working if there will be some correction that i need to make. I' m looking forward to hear from you soon... Thank you.

  3. Hey Shannon!! My name is Diana.I was just inform by Mr.luke.that you was supposed to comments on my blog4 on Allegory of the cave just want to read on what do you think. i am looking forward for your responds. Thank you
